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JSN Mobilize comes with both Free and PRO Editions. The FREE edition is included in sample data installation package with function limitation. You only can create 1 mobile template with limited displaying area.
Please click on buttons below to see how JSN Mobilize present a website on mobile devices:
JSN Mobilize helps your website to achieve a better browsing experience by creating an elaborated mobile version for the site. This revolutionary extension guarantees to include a bunch of sophisticated features and enhancement while require minimum technical knowledge from users.
Not only smartphones are supported by JSN Mobilize, the recent innovation tablets are also covered. Tablet usually has bigger screen and can receive more displaying area than phone. With JSN Mobilize you will have the separate layouts for phone and tablet which surely deliver the better device coverage for websites mobile version.
JSN Mobilize delivers the future-ready and mobile-friendly experience to your Joomla website by initiatively supporting multiple operation systems. In short explanation, your website should work and be viewed effortlessly on every screen solution horizontally and vertically. Your website will look awesome automatically on these operation systems (OS) below:
Get the most out of JSN Mobilize with the Advanced Image Optimization based on two options including For the best performance or For the best image quality. Additionally, the CSS/JS minify mechanism allows to compress all files into one single package. By that way, your site load will quickly enough in a limited-bandwidth environment at least 170%. Below is the speed test by akamai.
JSN Teki was developed with extreme focus on typography and we believe it provides the most comprehensive content presentation capability. Headings, text, links, tables, images, everything was designed with high level of refinement. Let's take a look.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
You can arrange content in multiple columns by using very simple html code. JSN Teki will detect the amount of columns you defined and automatically make arrangement.
Usage: <div class=”grid-layout”><div>Text in column 1</div><div>Text in column 2</div></div>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.
div.grid-layout2 div.grid-col { float: left; width: 49.95%; } div.grid-layout3 div.grid-col { float: left; width: 33.3%; }
You can us this style to quote somebody's speech, idea or a fragment from some book, articles, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <blockquote>This is your quote</blockquote>
You can use this special drop cap symbol style for magazine / newspaper text paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <p class="text-dropcap">This is the text with dropcap symbol.</p>
You can use this style to highlight important words and / or keyword expression in search result page. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <span class="text-highlight">This is the text to be highlighted.</span>
You can use this style to highlight important text block on mouse over. Just roll mouse over this text block to see how it's highlighted.
Usage: <div class="text-box-highlight">This is the text to be highlighted.</div>
You can use this style to highlight important text block on mouse over. Just roll mouse over this text block to see how it's highlighted.
Usage: <div class="text-box-highlight">This is the text to be highlighted.</div>
You can use this style for alert or warning text paragraph requiring user's attention. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <p class="text-alert">This is text that requires user's attentions.</p>
You can use this style for regular information text paragraph that does not require much user's attentions. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <p class="text-info">This is your d text.</p>
You can use this style for information text paragraph related to download process. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <p class="text-download">This is download related text.</p>
You can use this style for useful information like tips, hint or help text. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <p class="text-tip">This is yourtip hint or help text.</p>
You can use this style for description text paragraph that related to video file. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <p class="text-video">This is your video related text.</p>
You can use this style for description text paragraph related to audio file. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <p class="text-audio">This is your audio related text.</p>
You can attach up to 20 predefined icons to the front of any link by adding simple class to it.
Usage: <a class="link-icon jsn-icon-xxx">This is link text.</a>, where xxx is the name of icon to be applied. Detailed information about all icon names can be found in template documentation.
Example: <a class="link-icon jsn-icon-download">This is link to download something.</a>
JSN Teki offers 6 button styles to decorate any call-to-action links you have in the content.
Usage: <a class="link-button button-xxx">This is link text.</a>, where xxx is the button color name selected from: light, dark, green, orange, blue and red.
Example: <a class="link-button button-orange">See plans & pricing.</a>
You can use both button and icon link style combined.
Usage: <a class="link-button button-xxx"><span class="link-icon jsn-icon-yyy">This is link text.</span></a>, where xxx and yyy are button color and icon names respectively.
Example: <a class="link-button button-green"><span class="link-icon jsn-icon-cart">Add to cart.</span></a>
JSN Teki is able to attach not only descriptive icon to the front of link as described in above section, but also 23 extension icons to the end of the link.
All icons can be assigned automatically by enabling a template parameter or manually by adding simple class to the link.
Usage: <a class="link-icon-ext jsn-icon-ext-xxx">This is link text.</a>, where xxx is the icon name. Detailed information about all icon names can be found in template documentation.
Table header | Column header 1 | Column header 2 | Column header 3 |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Table footer | Footer data |
Table header | Column header 1 | Column header 2 | Column header 3 |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Table footer | Footer data |
Table header | Column header 1 | Column header 2 | Column header 3 |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Row header 1 | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet | Lorem ipsum |
Table footer | Footer data |
You can assign any of predefined 20 icons to list items. 6 icons shown above are just samples.
JSN Teki provides 6 box designs for module background styling, which can be combined with 20 predefined icons for module title styling. Take a look around to see how module styles are applied.
Module styles are configured by module's parameter Module Class Suffix with very simple syntax. To set up icons, you need to add string icon-xxx to module class suffix, where xxx is the icon name.
JSN Teki provides 5 menu styles to present your website navigation. The default Joomla! built-in menu module (mod_mainmenu) is utilized, so you don't need to install any external menu modules.
Top Menu allows you to arrange menu items in horizontal line and assign icons to them. All icons are configured directly in menu item settings page which is very convenient.
Main Menu is very powerful menu built with clean accessible XHTML code structure and effective drop-down submenu panels.
You can add icon and descriptive text to each menu item to make them much clearer and more appealing. Both descriptive text and icons are configured directly in menu item settings page, which is very convenient.
Side Menu is very unique vertical menu with slide-out panels. This menu is extremely efficient when you have complex navigation with a lot of menu items.
Tree Menu represents menu items in clear tree-like hierarchy, which is very appropriate for indexing menu. By default all submenu items are collapsed until you select the parent menu item.
Div Menu is simple yet nice menu bar with items separated by slightly visible dashes. This menu is very suitable for footer navigation presentation.
JSN Teki provides 37+ module positions allowing you to have multiple layout configurations. All module positions are collapsible which means if you don't publish any modules in some positions it will not take any blank spaces leaving those for neighbor modules. Some positions are designed to arrange modules inside in horizontal layout which makes it very easy to reorder modules inside it.
JSN Teki allows you to change the width size for several critical layout elements. All settings can be done via template parameters in section LAYOUT SETTINGS.
JSN Teki layout system is very flexible and capable. Module positions are designed in smart way to cover all possible spot where you might want to put content. Moreover, you can specify width of both overall layout and specific columns conveniently via template parameters. Bellow is live presentation of some most popular layout variations:
You can use this style for comment text paragraph. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.
Usage: <p class="text-comment">This is your comment text.</p>